Own logos of OKÉ 1, 2, 3, 4 charge accounts and OKÉ deposit account
The blues are the basic types, reds if mouse over in online ads.

OKÉ bank account full product line logotype
During the campaign we needed a solution for the problem of showing which accounts of the four the ad refers to, while the whole product line is visible.
It was important to make the hierarchy of the accounts clear at the same time, since the bigger its number is, the more complex and favorable the product is.
In all cases the blue ones are the one that the ad refers to, the grey ones are inactive.

Bank cards
New bank cards with trendy real light painting designs
1st Step of the campaign:
The billboard teaser (only with image elements)
2nd Step of the campaign:
Our billboards stayed on the same place, but we changed the creatives.
On these billboards we revealed the main product
3rd Step of the campaign:
B1 and A0 posters with main product features and offers.
Roll ups for products and events
Exclusive offer materials
Bank account product folder and inner product brochures
Gifts - promotional materials
(For offline and outdoor campaigns)
Banners - online ads
1. Teaser banners in the 1st step of the online campaign.
2. Banners with main product messages in the 2nd step of the online campaign.
3. Banners with product details in the 3rd step of the online campaign.

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